Cognitive and behavioral therapies have been shown, in scientific studies, to be effective on the following psychological disorders and difficulties:
- anxiety disorders: social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry), agoraphobia and panic attacks, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders
- depression, suicide prevention
- stress management, insomnia
- complicated grief
- alcoholism, drug addiction
- eating disorders
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- Professional exhaustion
- personality disorders
- marital difficulties
- perfectionism, lack of self-esteem
Making a diagnosis is not easy, the professional psychiatrist, psychologist, can help you make a diagnosis from the interview carried out with you or from questionnaires that he will suggest you fill out.
In a psychotherapy follow-up, feeling confident with the therapist is very important.
This is why the choice of the objectives of the therapy and the therapeutic techniques that will be used to help you reduce your difficulties, will be made in collaboration between you and the psychologist.